
Animals Nº1 Bison / Husky / Kingfisher

Proyecto personal de Ilustración.

Personal illustration project.
bison |ˈbīsən, -zən|

noun ( pl. same )
a humpbacked shaggy-haired wild ox native to North America and Europe.
kingfisher |ˈkiNGˌfiSHər|

an often brightly colored bird with a large head and long sharp beak, typically diving for fish from a perch. Many of the tropical kinds live in forests and feed on terrestrial prey such as insects and lizards.
husky |ˈhəskē|(also huskie )

noun ( pl. huskies )
a powerful dog of a breed with a thick double coat that is typically gray, used in the Arctic for pulling sleds.
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Animals Nº1 BHK.

Animals Nº1 BHK.

Animals Nº1 Bison / Husky / Kingfisher
